I switched my chair with Sidney's this afternoon and then watched a Martin and Lewis film.
I tried on my entire white outfit and tested my singing skills on tape.The outfit's great! The singing needs work.
As far as I know, my great horoscope for today didn't come true after all. Too bad. That would have been a marvelous thing. At least someone who would like me for who I am. Other than Debbie, so far only Susan was like that but that relationship was extremely short-lived and we ended up as just friends. She's gone now anyway. All the ones I liked go away. Cheri, Susan, Debbie, Phyllis, Regina...Every girl who ever liked me in any way is gone form my life now. But I sure wouldn't mind for a minute if I had someone now. Someone I like who likes me. Someone smart, pretty, funny...not necessarily Linda but...just someone, anyone, I can love. Adoring someone like Linda from afar is alright but I need someone I can see, feel, touch and talk with. And that's what my horoscope kind of promised. And I foolishly believed it. Now the disappointment sets in and it's love that's lost again.
NOTES: Sidney, you may recall, was Sidney Australia, the human-sized stuffed rabbit who had his own easy chair in our living room for several years. I've mentioned him here before and also on the '76 blog. He had been left behind by another tenant and we took him in. MyDad called him Cedric Weehunt after an old LUM 'N' ABNER radio character but I maned him Sidney. The Australia came later on.
The white outfit was in emulation of Elvis. I loved his Nudie suits and bought white bellbottom pants, a long-sleeved white shirt and white shoes. Didn't help my singing one single bit.
As for the last paragraph---who says "emo" wasn't around back then?
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