Thursday, September 6, 2012

Friday, September 6th, 1974

I must've fixed my locker yesterday. It worked fine today.

I read part of THE CRUCIBLE in my literature book. A great play about the Salem Witch Trials.

Caught the bus back quick and os beat Dad home for once.

There was a great local article and a pic of Linda in Mary Wood's column, today. I've met Mary a number of times and she's met Linda...or at least talked to her...Hmmm...I doubt I'd ever be bold enough to ask for an introduction but maybe.

Watched new TV previews tonight.

NOTES: Arthur Miller's play THE CRUCIBLE is as much about its own times and the witch hunts therein as it is about the historical Salem trials. Once I realized that I enjoyed it even more and it remains a favorite play of mine. 

Mary Wood was the legendary, beloved and eccentric TV columnist for THE CINCINNATI POST for ages . She lived just a block down from us so I would see her walking around the neighborhood down by the river and, in fact, trick-or-treated at her house as a kid. Not like I actually KNEW her but we would recognize each other on sight. I never did ask her about Linda. 

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