Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thursday, September 12th, 1974

The SS people worked late meaning I had to, also. And man, they made a mess tonight. I missed THE ODD COUPLE but I caught most of PAPER MOON.

I got a few new things in Cincinnati. Got a lot of pens and stuff the office threw out tonight.At ;least thirty!

School went a little better but for Gym and a few other things. I still have no Geometry book! I expect tomorrow to be better as it's Friday the 13th and that's always been lucky for me.

I've noticed my attitude about sex has changed recently. Even after those scenes with Kinda the other night, I just didn't care. I think I've beaten it to the point where I care nit at all about sex! My tendency toward physical attraction is increased, though. I guess most of that is due to the girls at school even though they all hate me.

NOTES: PAPER MOON had been the movie for which Tatum O'Neal won the Oscar, beating out Linda Blair. In retrospect, Tatum was brilliant while Linda was just very good but at the time I was less than thrilled. What I was talking about here, though, was the TV version of PAPER MOON, a short-lived sitcom in which actor Chris Connelly replaced his former PEYTON PLACE brother Ryan O'Neal and future superstar Jodie Foster replaced his daughter, Tatum.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Wow, I was looking at that picture thinking, "Something isn't right..." It didn't even strike me that it was Jodie Foster and not Tatum O'Neal. I don't recall the tv show, but I love the movie.