We had our first Spanish test today, too.
I caused a minor sensation with my Donald Duck voice in Science at lunchtime.
I got 10 new notebooks at the office tonight! That gives me 16 with no present use as well as 11 folders.
I hope to see DEATH WISH this weekend.
NOTES: Decades later my wife would be the one administering those fine motor skills tests for several years until the state cut funding for the program.
Ever since I was a child I have been able to do a vaguely Donald Duck-style voice that is fairly understandable by releasing air trapped in my cheek. In fact, I used to be able to do it from either side of my mouth...or both sides simultaneously! Even better was that I could speak in my own voice at the exact same time! Three voices at once! I am NOT exaggerating! Freaked people out. It still does but I can only do two these days. For some reason I can't do it from the left side any more but the right side is as good as ever and can still be augmented by my regular voice! For years I tried to teach myself to say "yes" as Donald while saying "no" as myself. That never worked, though. No mater how hard I try, whatever one voice says, the other says the exact same thing at the exact same moment if I do both voices. Ah, well. Still freaks people out but little babies love the Duck voice!
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