I also got myself some good stuff from the Louisville paper.
Terry and I ate a pizza from Pasquale's and while we were were carrying it back to his place, a kitten followed us! We found out that the owners couldn't keep it so he asked Dwight if he could take it. They spent over an hour with that cat while I fooled around with Dwight's guitar. I wish I hadn't sold mine---5 bucks, amplifier and all. Worst deal I ever made. I suggested a name for the cat and he accepted it. Tigra. (Although he pronounced it differently).
I've become more nature conscious lately. I've wanted to just take off my shirt and shoes and walk through something like that nature trail out at King's Island. I've felt lately like I could just give up everything. I like just to be like that...if I were with someone like Linda. Ahhhh, someday. But for now, I'm stuck in a town near one of the county's largest cities where the air pollution has been above the danger level every day this week!
Found some pix of Linda I had overlooked.
Started a Spider-Man index.
NOTES: Terry still has his scrapbooks. He brought a few over a while back. I took all of mine apart about a decade back and just have a couple big boxes of clippings. Easier to store but harder to find anything.
My Dad had bought me the guitar and amp I had begged for when I was 12 but I never bothered to actually learn to play. They sat behind the couch in the living room for a couple years. Every once in a while, I'd plug it up and mess with it a bit. No clue what I was doing, though. So when my next door neighbor saw it and showed me he could play, I offered to sell it to him. He didn't have a lot of money, though, so I sold it to him for $5.00. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I got money (five bucks wasn't chicken feed in them days) and he got a new guitar and amplifier. My Dad, on the other hand, was less than thrilled (to put it mildly) with the deal and in the long run so was I. :(