12--THE WORLD'S GREATEST ATHLETE--This one wasn't as good. Jan-Michael Vincent as a jungle boy brought to the big city.The fun trivia here is that his true love is played by Dayle Haddon who went on to a career of softcore European sex films before settling into a lucrative position as a make-up spokesperson.
13--DR. NO--I convinced my Dad to go with me to THE EXORCIST but we got tired of waiting on the bus so we decided to walk half a block to a theater showing Sean Connery's first and (then) last Bond films.

15--THE GOLDEN VOYAGE OF SINBAD--Terry and I took the bus out to the Tri-County Mall. The ad in the paper said the new theater we were going to was "Near Tri-County Mall." Note--"NEAR" is a relative term. It would have been 5 minutes away if we had had a car but we were 15. For us it was a 90 minute hike on a hot, hot day! And then another one back later! The movie, with Harryhausen special effects and Caroline Munro, was great but still makes me sweat thinking about it.
16--SPYS--I saw stars Elliot Gould and Donald Sutherland on a rather anarchic episode of Phil Donahue's talk show and decided then and there to see this movie...which was nowhere near as fun as SUTherland and Gould on DONAHUE.
17--MY NAME IS NOBODY--My favorite spaghetti western, atypical as it may be! My dad and I saw it twice at the Skywalk. Terrence "Trinity" Hill in an iconic role with Henry Fonda in a surprisingly nuanced performance and a great ending.
18--THUNDERBOLT & LIGHTFOOT--As I've said, I was a big Eastwood fan by this point. But I hated this. Clint and Jeff Bridges as violent ant-heroes in Michael Cimino's excesses that just left me feeling yuck. Many love it, I know. I'm not one.
19--THE EXORCIST--Finally! By the time I saw the picture it was at that stage where it couldn't possibly live up to its hype. I liked it. I had already read the Making of book though so I knew what to expect and how it was all done. My main reason for seeing it was to see Linda Blair's award-winning performance...which was kind of messed up for me by the make-up and vomiting. My Mom ended up going with me!
20--HERBIE RIDES AGAIN--One of my least favorite Disney films and I had to take two buses to get to it! Stefanie Powers was in it so I felt I had to go but beyond that I was disappointed all around.
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