The poster shop had two great Raquel posters but both were sold out. We're going up to the Lemon Starship tomorrow to see if maybe they've got them.
Krogers provided me with TV GUIDE and SIXTEEN which had the perfect picture for the opening of my scrapbook!
Rode the bus all the way this time, both ways, all the way.
THREE MUSKETEERS opened at Ludlow. Hope to catch it Sunday with Doug or Terry or maybe both! They showed the preview for it at Newport along with SPYS and THUNDERBOLT...which I've already seen.
Got another free Coke at work!
IT just had to happen and ruin a good day.
NOTES: First of all, I was NOT stealing Cokes from the Pepsi machine at the office. It just started giving me two when I ordered one!
DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY is a car chase. Period. Stunts, helicopters, cars. There's a sorta-kinda plot and some B-level stars (Peter Fonda, Vic Morrow, Susan George) but it's all just an excuse for car chases. As car chase movies go--and there are a surprising amount of them--it really isn't bad. If you're expecting the least bit of anything else, you'll be disappointed.
1 comment:
Plus at the end you get a surprise.
I recall watching this at the drive-in when I was a kid.
And I just watched on the THIS movie channel not to long ago.
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