Monday, March 12, 2012

Tuesday, March 12th, 1974

Got home early as expected and made good use of the extra time reading.

Tonight I saw the WONDER WOMAN TV movie. Next week there's a TV martial arts movie!

There's a slight chance that I MAY get to see BLACK BELT JONES this weekend. It's back at the Albee.

NOTES: Off early from school and all I wanted to do was read. There's a reason I became "booksteve!"

This WONDER WOMAN TV movie was not the gloriously perfect Lynda Carter of a couple years later but the horribly miscast Cathy Lee Crosby! Blonde, wearing a star-spangled leisure suit outfit. Had these people ever even looked at a comic book?

1 comment:

Tom said...

>Had these people ever even looked at a comic book?

Clearly, the answer is "No." I didn't see this movie until after the Wonder Woman tv series. I recall tuning in expecting to see the pilot starring Lynda Carter and was baffled by this incarnation.