Watched PLANET OF THE APES tonight. There's a drawing of Roddy as Galen on the wall in English class! CONQUEST is on TV next week. (So is DOCTOR NO!) Just watched it again last week but I may catch it yet again next week!
For about an hour tonight I totally flipped out over my numero uno flick of last year, ENTER THE DRAGON. TA DA!!
NOTES: Hmm...I don't recall the Gold Circle Cinemas at all. Don't think I ended up ever going there. Wonder what "GCC" means? Seems like it should be Gold Circle Cinemas but in context that doesn't make sense. Oh, well. Gold Circle itself was a department store that we never shopped at. I mean never. In fact, the only time I recall going there was midnight Christmas shopping with a girl in 1980, still 6 years away here. Gold Circle went out of business or changed its name sometime in the eighties I believe.
GCC may be Gold Circle Cinemas. You could have left and come back, forgetting you had mentioned it?
Shot in the dark.
GCC was a large cinema chain, General Cinema Corporation. I was working at one as an usher in 1974 while I was in high school. Here's the pre-movie bumper they used, with a little instrumental jingle that brings back memories.
- Mike C.
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